Wednesday, September 5, 2012



this is my first attempt of creating a blog and with that in mind I will ask for your patience and support. will be blog that deals with news, articles, fan art, guides, compilations and researches regarding League of Legends. Other than that this blog was created in order to help me gather data for my post-graduate studies.

A few things about me.
I am Greek League of Legends player since the release of the game. Playing normal games mostly with friends and solo ranked games I have reached 1800 rating in EU-Nordic and East as a Jungler. I have played  at many Go4Lol tournaments and a couple of Lan Tournaments without achieving anything remarkable.
Most of the time I spend on League of Legends has to do with watching streams and tournaments and that is why I consider it more of an E-sport than an actual game. I would love to be able to spend more time on League of Legends but my free time, real life activities and location would not let me do so. That's why I will make an attempt with this blog to get more involved in it.

So be free to express and enjoy yourselves! 

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